Happy Mother’s Day

There are so many different names to call her, but they all mean the same thing – love! Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers and mother figures from your friends at Sol!


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Sol Celebrates an Amazing Representation of Diversity and Inclusion, Black History Month

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_empty_space][vc_column_text]Sol is proud to embrace the cultural tapestry and diversity of the Caribbean – a region which we are proud to call our home. We are convinced, as an organization, that there is more that unites us than that which separates us.

For the entire month of February, Sol has celebrated Black History Month with our employees through a range of initiatives, including online webcasts, weekly bulletins, roundtable discussions and virtual competitions – all centered around Black history and culture. We have provided our team with opportunities to listen, discuss, share and learn from each other and we have challenged ourselves to come up with fresh ideas and new perspectives to help ensure that we maintain our focus and our commitment to diversity and inclusion. While we have taken the opportunity to celebrate Black History Month with the rest of the world, we believe that our team members should benefit from our commitment to diversity and inclusion throughout the year.

We are diverse. We are inclusive. We are Sol[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][vc_single_image image=”15891″][vc_empty_space][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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Corporate Statement – COVID-19


The Sol Group, At Sol we are committed to the health and safety of our team members, customers and the community as a top priority. As we focus on maintaining a continued, healthy work environment, we have taken extensive preventative measures to protect our staff and their families from exposure to the Coronavirus (COVID-19), to ensure that we continue to provide our products and services safely to our customers.
Our team members have been provided with the relevant information from public health organisations such as, the Centre for Disease Control (CDC), the World Health Organisation, and other local and external government agencies. They have been urged to protect themselves by exercising good hygiene practices at work and home while we have increased sanitisation practices in our offices, depots, locations with direct customer contact, and our truck fleet. We have also implemented an employee ‘air travel ban’; facilitated a home-based work structure where appropriate, introduced mandatory self-isolation where appropriate, and implemented protocols for employees who are unwell or may be at increased risk. Additionally, we have provided guidance on increased sanitation practices in high-touch areas such as the fuel pumps nozzles, payment keypads, door handles and counters.
We take our corporate responsibility seriously and are mindful of the vital role of our products and services in the communities in which we operate. We will continue to monitor this situation closely, maintain and promote preventative measures, and work closely with our suppliers, customers and official authorities to ensure that we continue to supply and serve our customers. We also encourage our teams, our customers and stakeholders to join together in this time to support and be empathetic toward one another.
We greatly appreciate the trust placed in us as your partner of choice.


Chez Sol, nous nous engageons à faire de la santé et de la sécurité des membres de nos équipes, de nos clients et de la communauté, une priorité absolue. Alors que nous nous concentrons sur le maintien d’un environnement de travail sain et continu, nous avons pris d’importantes mesures préventives pour protéger notre personnel et leurs familles, contre l’exposition au coronavirus (COVID-19), afin de continuer à fournir en toute sécurité, nos produits et services à nos les clients.
Les membres de notre équipe ont reçu les informations importantes d’organisations de santé publique telles que l’Agence Régionale de Santé ( ARS), l’Organisation Mondiale de la Santé ( OMS) et du gouvernement et instances locales. Ils ont été exhortés à se protéger en appliquant de bonnes pratiques d’hygiène au travail et à la maison tandis que nous avons augmenté les pratiques de désinfection dans nos bureaux et sites avec contact direct avec les clients ainsi que notre flotte de camions. Nous avons également mis en place des restrictions de déplacement ; facilité une structure de travail à domicile,  le cas échéant, mis en œuvre des protocoles pour les employés non éligible au télétravail. De plus, nous avons transmis des consignes de précautions accrues dans les zones à contact élevé telles que les buses des pompes à carburant, les claviers de paiement, les poignées de porte et les comptoirs.
Nous prenons notre responsabilité d’entreprise au sérieux et sommes conscients du rôle vital de nos produits et services dans les communautés dans lesquelles nous opérons. Nous continuerons à surveiller cette situation de près, à maintenir et à promouvoir des mesures préventives, et à travailler en étroite collaboration avec nos fournisseurs, clients et autorités officielles pour assurer la continuité du service auprès de nos clients. Nous encourageons également nos équipes, nos clients et nos fournisseur à se soutenir en faisant preuve d’empathie les uns envers les autres durant cette période.
Nous apprécions grandement la confiance que vous placez en nous en tant que partenaire de choix.


El Grupo Sol, En Sol estamos comprometidos con la salud y la seguridad de los miembros de nuestro equipo, los clientes y la comunidad como nuestra principal prioridad. A medida que nos enfocamos en mantener un ambiente laboral continuo y saludable, hemos tomado amplias medidas preventivas para proteger a nuestro personal y sus familias de la exposición al Coronavirus (COVID-19), para garantizar que sigamos brindando nuestros productos y servicios de manera segura a nuestros clientes.
Los miembros de nuestro equipo recibieron información relevante de organizaciones de salud pública como el Centro para el Control de Enfermedades (CDC), la Organización Mundial de la Salud y otras agencias gubernamentales locales y externas. Se les instó a protegerse mediante el ejercicio de buenas prácticas de higiene en el trabajo y el hogar, mientras que hemos aumentado las prácticas de desinfección en nuestras oficinas, depósitos, áreas con contacto directo con clientes y nuestra flota de camiones. También hemos implementado una “prohibición de viajes aéreos” de los empleados; se facilitó una estructura de trabajo en el hogar en los casos que sea viable, introdujo el autoaislamiento obligatorio cuando sea apropiado e implementó protocolos para los empleados que no se encuentran bien o pueden estar en mayor riesgo. Además, hemos brindado orientación sobre el aumento de las prácticas de saneamiento en áreas de alto contacto, como los pisteros de las bombas de combustible, los teclados de pago, las manijas de las puertas y los mostradores.
Tomamos en serio nuestra responsabilidad corporativa y somos conscientes del papel vital de nuestros productos y servicios en las comunidades en las que operamos. Continuaremos monitoreando esta situación de cerca, mantendremos y promoveremos medidas preventivas, y trabajaremos de cerca con nuestros proveedores, clientes y autoridades oficiales para asegurarnos de que continuamos suministrando y sirviendo a nuestros clientes. Exhortamos a nuestros equipos, nuestros clientes y partes interesadas a unirse en este momento para apoyarse y ser empáticos el uno con el otro.
Apreciamos enormemente la confianza depositada en Sol.

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Supporting our communities: Sol Christmas Village

Thank you to everyone who came out to support our Sol Christmas Village on Saturday Dec 14, 2019. The event saw a variety of games and entertainment for children including, trampolines, slides, bouncy castles, face painting, among others. Children accompanied by their parents were allowed to get a glimpse of Mrs. Claus and her helper, Spider Man, Black Panther & Moana. It was truly amazing. Sol Guyana is committed to helping communities and families, and is especially happy to share joy during this holiday season.

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Sol Sponsored both a Rugby and Soccer Clinic

Sol sponsored both a Rugby and Soccer clinic – held in Guadeloupe and Martinique last month. These two events provided the opportunity for more than 120 children to participate in a one-week internship of their favorite sport. The teenagers were exposed to values such as integrity, passion, solidarity, discipline, respect…. and they burnt thousands of calories. They were delighted and amazed to be among former international soccer and rugby players. They truly benefited from their respective experiences and we were glad to provide this opportunity for our young people to excel!
Here’s one of the testimonials we received from a parent who was deeply thankful for Sol’s support.
“Without Sol, this course of excellence would not have occurred….I prayed that my son would be retained as we do not go on vacation and I knew that for one week he would accomplish one of his dreams ….thank you”.

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Sol Guyana Participates in GTI Open Day

Sol Guyana/Shell Lubricants participated in the Government Technical Institute’s Open Day, entitled ‘Taste of the Trades – Refuelling the Future’. The goal was to offer guidance and encouragement to students as they explored the various career paths on display at the Open Day. Students were enthusiastic to learn about job opportunities within the petroleum industry and the development paths offered by Sol. The team also encouraged the students of the Motor Vehicle Engine System Programme to take advantage of the partnership between Sol and GTI including the 6-week internship and reward given to the best graduating students for levels 1 and 2.

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Sol Grenada Executes Tsunami Evacuation Exercise

Sol EC Ltd. (Grenada), took part in the regional Caribe Wave Exercise which simulated a magnitude 6.0 earthquake generated by activity from the local under water volcano, Kick ‘Em Jenny. As a result of the simulated earthquake, tsunami waves were generated, thereby requiring immediate evacuation. The Grand Mal Pre-Primary School was also invited to participate in the exercise where 48 students along with parents and teachers enacted the simulated evacuation. All participants were pleased to be included in the exercise and asked that they be given more similar opportunities in the future. The entire evacuation process was completed in approximately 18 minutes after receiving the notification.

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