Committed to our Territories

In the wake of Hurricane Irma, the entire Caribbean is rallying together to help rebuild this region we all call home.
At Sol, we are committed to the impacted territories and continue to play our part in the restoration process. Our Corporate Crisis Management Team has been mobilised and is working around the clock to ensure the safety and security of our local teammates by providing essential items, medical supplies and equipment.
Restoring our capability to provide fuels and other essential services to the countries affected remains a top priority. Our local colleagues are working closely on site with the respective Emergency Services and relevant agencies. Sol continues to provide critical materials and deploy teams from across the region to aid in the professional and technical support required to re-establish supply of these vital services for the communities.
We wish to commend the relief teams and volunteers working tirelessly to restore order and stability to the impacted territories. As we face the aftermath of Irma, we face it together and we will rebuild even stronger.
Como consecuencia del Huracán Irma, todos en el Caribe colaboramos para ayudar a reconstruir esta región a la que llamamos hogar.
En Sol estamos comprometidos con los territorios afectados y continuaremos el rol que desempeñamos en el proceso de restauración. El Equipo de Manejo de Crisis Corporativo se ha movilizado y trabaja incansablemente manejando aspectos de salud y seguridad de nuestros compañeros, proporcionando artículos esenciales, suministros médicos y equipo en los territorios afectados.
Continuamos enfocados en reestablecer nuestra capacidad de proveer combustible y servicios esenciales en los países impactados. Nuestros colegas trabajan de cerca con las respectivas Agencias Gubernamentales y Servicios de Emergencia. Sol continúa facilitando materiales cruciales y enviando equipos desde toda la región para proveer el apoyo profesional y técnico requerido para reanudar los servicios vitales en las comunidades.
Felicitamos a los equipos de respuesta de emergencias y a los voluntarios que trabajan incansablemente para restaurar el orden y la estabilidad de los territorios afectados. A medida que afrontamos juntos los efectos causados por Irma, los reconstruiremos más fuerte aún.

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Sol Petroleum Confirms Sufficient Product Supply

Bahamas: September 5, 2017 – SOL PETROLEUM BAHAMAS LIMITED (Sol), exclusive licensed distributor of Esso brand fuels in The Bahamas, confirmed that Sol is now, and will be, adequately supplied throughout the duration of the hurricane’s passage. Sol would like to assure our retail service station and commercial customers, in New Providence and the family Islands, that Sol has multiple contingencies in place to respond to potential impacts from Hurricane Irma.
Sol encourages all to take the necessary precautions in advance of the hurricanes arrival and to remain attentive to all advisories from the relevant authorities. Sol’s top priority is the safety of its employees and customers during this period.
Further to our notice on Facebook yesterday, please continue to follow Sol for updates until the threat has passed at: or

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