Sol Bahamas is proud to announce that the Sol & Friends Scholarship/Mentorship Program (Sol & Friends) has its first graduate! On Friday, May 19, 2017 representatives from Sol and the Bahamas Technical & Vocational Institute (BTVI) applauded as Brandon Bodie joined the BTVI 2017 graduating class in their commencement exercises. Keith Glinton (General Manager) was on hand at the ceremony to congratulate Brandon along with his classmates.

(l – r) Dr. Robert W. Robertson (BTVI President), Brandon Bodie, Keith Glinton (Sol GM) and Alicia Thompson (Associate VP Fund Development, BTVI)
Brandon was enrolled in the BTVI Information Technology Support Specialist Certificate Program over the last 18 months and is one of ten active scholarship recipients being assisted by the Sol & Friends Program. Sol & Friends is now in its third year and is a collaborative effort between SPBL, Esso Service Station Dealers, Industry Contractor Partners and BTVI.