St. Maarten: September 1st, 2017 – SOL ANTILLES N.V. (Sol) continues its commitment to St. Maarten by supporting the youth and the education. Sol has, again partnered with the Rotary Club of St. Martin Sunrise to present 300 fully equipped school bags to the students of the Leonard Conner Primary School on August 16, 2017, for the fifth consecutive year.
The school’s Principal, Ms. Samuel and the Deputy Principal, Ms. Matthew welcomed Sol and Rotary Sunrise to the Leonard Connor Primary School. David Antrobus, General Manager of Sol along with Marisca Peterson, Sol’s Retail Sales representative and other members of the Sol St. Maarten team attended the ceremony with enthusiasm. The President of the Rotary Club of St. Martin Sunrise, Damali Bryson, the Assistant District Governor Marcellia Henry and a number of Rotary members, represented the Rotary Club at the presentation.
Sol’s support to the school is part of a “Back-to-School Project” hosted by the Rotary Club of St. Martin Sunrise. Sol has been a proud sponsor to this initiative that support the students and teachers of its neighbor school at Cole Bay primary school
“We know that the new school year is an exciting time for students and Sol is more than happy to assist by providing the materials needed to maximize their academic development. Sol is proud to champion education and remains committed to fueling the development of St. Maarten’s youth. We wish the students the very best as they continue to strive for excellence,” said Antrobus.
Both Antrobus and Bryson emphasized that Education is Key and that the children should strive to excel to pursue their maximum potential. Ms. Bryson thanked Sol for its genuine commitment to this project that is of value to the community
One of the students, Leedje Bocio Amancio, gave a vote of thanks on behalf of the students to Sol and Rotary Sunrise and said she looked forward to next year. The children and their teachers were happy to be back at school and very appreciative of Sol’s and Rotary’s gesture.
Sol reaffirms its commitment to contributing to the educational development for the communities in which it operates.